

Last updated July 2024


  • Keebio Quefrency keyboard, Kailh Speed Pro Burgundy switches, and PBT keycaps (SA profile to match my amusing Git modifier keycaps but I much prefer DSA. I might like XDA or DES or CS better but have not tried them.)
  • Logitech M330 Silent Plus mouse
  • Two 24" monitors on a two-monitor arm (three x 27" is my sweet spot I think)

Health and Fitness


Hosting etc

  • Domains:
    • Viridio (affiliate link). Registrar and for some sites hosting. They run on renewable power. Their former incarnation,, which ran entirely on renewable energy, was my go-to starting in 2011. I had only good experiences with AISO, and so far the Viridio experience has been fine. Their service rep would only tell me “AISO was entirely renewable-powered” when I asked over and over whether Viridio is, which left me wondering if only a tiny fraction of their energy is renewable and customer service has been instructed to not give any specifics.
  • Code:
    • Codeberg is where I’m currently looking to consolidate my personal work
    • To not break links, I expect to keep some things on GitHub and GitLab
  • Static sites:


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General Dev Desktop Apps

  • Brave browser (see also my browser plugins) (note: it’s come to my attention that Brave’s CEO is not someone I want to support. I’m looking into other options for Blink browser testing.)
  • Firefox I use to inspect event listeners
  • Fork I have this Git GUI open at all times for its graph, for copying commit SHAs, and as a replacement for git add -p. It’s nice for reflog too, but as of this writing its lost commits are not always complete (installed via Homebrew)
  • GitHub CLI Easily open pull requests locally (installed via Homebrew)
  • GPG Suite part of my setup for signing Git commits. (installed via Homebrew)
  • iTerm Fast, customizable, actively developed terminal app (installed via Homebrew)
  • Pop code pairing tool: multiplayer control, screen sharing, audio/video
  • VSCodium VS Code without MS branding, telemetry, and licensing (see also my editor plugins)

Front-End Dev Desktop Apps

Other Desktop Apps

  • 1Password password manager
  • Aerial free open-source screensaver of high quality videos (macOS)
  • Bartender ⚠️ I use Ice now (see below). I’ve posted about why I no longer use Bartender
  • Better Touch Tool I use it to resize and move windows without having to carefully click the window edge, but it can do all kinds of fancy things (installed via Homebrew) (macOS)
  • CapsLocker my keyboard does not have a light in the caps lock key. CapsLocker tells me when caps lock is on (my config: start at login, HUD visible while caps lock is active, sounds, colored icons) (macOS)
  • Clocker additional clocks in the menu bar (installed via Homebrew) (macOS)
  • Coconut Battery menubar item and diagnostics. I hide the macOS battery menubar item and use this instead (installed via Homebrew) (macOS)
  • Homebrew package manager (macOS)
  • Ice menubar manager (installed via Homebrew) (macOS)
  • Itsycal macOS calendar menubar item. I hide the date in macOS’s Date & Time menubar item and use this instead (installed via Homebrew) (macOS)
  • Karabiner Elements Customize your keyboard layout. I add a layer with media controls and arrows on the home row (installed via Homebrew) (macOS)
  • Micro Snitch show an HUD when your microphone is being used (installed via Homebrew) (macOS)
  • Mimestream macOS email client (macOS)
  • Muzzle Automatically silences desktop notifications when you’re sharing your screen (installed via Homebrew) (macOS)
  • Notion docs, kanban, tables, etc. Sometimes with the desktop app (installed via Homebrew)
  • Rectangle tile windows on your screen with keyboard commands (installed via Homebrew) (macOS)
  • RescueTime time tracker for productivity, time management, focus/life management (installed via Homebrew)
  • Rocket macOS emoji picker (installed via Homebrew) (macOS)
  • WiFi Signal signal strength analyzer menubar item. I hide macOS’s WiFi with Bartender and mostly use this instead (macOS)

Terminal Prompt

  • Hometown Prompt high performance, high data:ink ratio prompt. By yours truly!

Terminal UX

  • fast-syntax-highlighting CLI syntax highlighting. I go back and forth between this and zsh-syntax-highlighting. fast-syntax-highlighting has finer-grained highlighting; zsh-syntax-highlighting can highlight multi-word zsh-abbr abbreviations.
  • zsh-abbr saves you keystrokes without letting you forget full commands. Abbreviations (like aliases, but automatically expand) are stored in a dot file. By yours truly!
  • zsh-autopair auto-close and delete matching delimiters in zsh
  • zsh-autosuggestions Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh
  • zsh-completions Additional completion definitions for Zsh
  • zsh-history-substring-search port of Fish history search
  • zsh-syntax-highlighting. CLI syntax highlighting. I go back and forth between this and fast-syntax-highlighting. fast-syntax-highlighting has finer-grained highlighting; zsh-syntax-highlighting can highlight multi-word zsh-abbr abbreviations.
  • zsh-window-title sets terminal window titles to “current directory, its parent, and if something is running the first word of the ongoing command”. By yours truly!

Other Terminal / CLI Tools

I use zsh. My article Configure Zsh Options & Plugins for Productivity in macOS’s Default Shell has an outdated but relevant take on how I configure it.

  • asdf A single tool to manage tool versions (I’ve had trouble with the Homebrew install, so install via zcomet)
  • gh GitHub CLI handy for checking out pull requests and for forking
  • delta pretty pager for git-diff
  • GnuPG macOS’s gpg tool is non-standard. This gives you the standard one, as gpg2 (installed via Homebrew)
  • trash move files to the macOS trashcan (installed via Homebrew)
  • tree the Linux tree command (installed via Homebrew)
  • zcomet shell plugin manager
  • zsh-test-runner unit tests and coverage reports for zsh scripts. By yours truly!

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