Configure Zsh Options & Plugins for Productivity in macOS's Default Shell

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Zsh is highly configurable, but that configuration can be tricky. Get up and running with some essential options and plugins, and an informative prompt theme.

A version of this article appeared on

Illustration of shells
Illustration of shells. Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.

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This is article is the first in a two-part series on interactive shells. The second is Try Out Fish For Your Command Line Shell.

Heads Up

In the years since this was written, I’ve modified my personal zsh configuration. For example I no longer use antibody or zplug or Spaceship.

For the most part I stand by the settings, and the configuration this article leaves you with is still a reasonable starting place.

Check my Uses page for my current plugin manager and plugins recommendations.

Apple has switched to zsh for the default macOS shell. Zsh has a lot to recommend it, and if the increased attention leads to zsh support in shellcheck zsh scripters everywhere will be thrilled. The downside of zsh is it leaves interactive shell (that is, command line experience, as opposed to writing scripts) configuration up to the use. No fancy user experience like the anomolously named fish shell provides by default, no pretty prompt like in GitHub README screenshots, and no guidance about how to customize things. You do get that sweet sweet zsh array syntax immediately, but as the manual acknowledges that’s not what everyone comes for: the discussion of arrays begins,

“This chapter will appeal above all to people who are excited by the fact that print ${array[(r)${(l.${#${(O@)array//?/X}[1]}..?.)}]} prints out the longest element of the array $array. For the overwhelming majority that forms the rest of the population…”

(Zsh arrrays are so cool!) This guide is for that majority. We will see how to give the interactive terminal a highly functional prompt and will configure zsh to

  • save command history to a file, with time stamps!
  • keep a directory stack for quickly moving to a previous directory, in a way that aligns closely with Git’s @{-N} syntax!
  • save a few keystrokes by supporting some/path as shorthand for cd some/path!
  • suggest previously-run commands as you type!
  • suggest command completions for available things not already in your history!
  • show suggestions in a TAB⇥- and arrow-navigatable menu!
  • search the command history for any part of a previously run command! omm+UP↑ will find my command in the history!
  • highlight syntax as valid and invalid!

1. Get the latest zsh

Not strictly necessary

You could install zsh manually, but it’s easier to use macOS’s.

If you are not on Catalina or higher, zsh is not already your default shell. Either way, the copy of zsh available on macOS by default is that one that shipped with the system, which will get out of date. So the first thing to do is to install the latest version, with Homebrew.

Install Homebrew

No longer necessary

These steps are not necessary now that zsh is the default macOS shell.

These are the steps to follow if you need to install Homebrew. Run brew --version to see if you have it already.

  1. Download Xcode from the App Store

  2. Download the Xcode command line tools from line tools. If you don’t have a developer account, you’ll need to sign up for one (it’s free).

  3. Install Homebrew by running the command shown at

  4. Install zsh with Homebrew

    No longer necessary

    These steps are not necessary now that zsh is the default macOS shell.

    1. Install zsh
      brew install zsh
      brew install zsh
    2. ~macOS only allows certain shells to be used as the default shell. They are listed in /etc/shells. Add /usr/local/bin/zsh to the bottom of /etc/shells
    3. Set up the PATH variable so that /user/local/bin/zsh (the Homebrew copy of zsh) will be found before /bin/zsh (the system copy of zsh). Add this line to ~/.zshrc:
    1. Make the Homebrew copy of zsh your default shell

      command line
      chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh
      chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh
    2. Open a new terminal, and you should see the zsh prompt! The % prompt character is a giveaway, and you can confirm by running echo $SHELL and which zsh - both should return /usr/local/bin/zsh.

2. Set zsh options

Zsh has a huge number of options. See them all at I add the following configuration to ~/.zshrc manually

# History
[ -z "$HISTFILE" ] && HISTFILE=$HOME/.zsh_history
setopt extended_history
setopt hist_expire_dups_first
setopt hist_ignore_dups
setopt hist_ignore_space
setopt inc_append_history
setopt share_history
# Changing directories
setopt auto_cd
setopt auto_pushd
unsetopt pushd_ignore_dups
setopt pushdminus
# Completion
setopt auto_menu
setopt always_to_end
setopt complete_in_word
unsetopt flow_control
unsetopt menu_complete
zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:*' menu select
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z-_}={A-Za-z_-}' 'r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
zstyle ':completion::complete:*' use-cache 1
zstyle ':completion::complete:*' cache-path $ZSH_CACHE_DIR
zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ''
zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:processes'
list-colors '=(#b) #([0-9]#) ([0-9a-z-]#)*=01;34=0=01'
# Other
setopt prompt_subst
# History
[ -z "$HISTFILE" ] && HISTFILE=$HOME/.zsh_history
setopt extended_history
setopt hist_expire_dups_first
setopt hist_ignore_dups
setopt hist_ignore_space
setopt inc_append_history
setopt share_history
# Changing directories
setopt auto_cd
setopt auto_pushd
unsetopt pushd_ignore_dups
setopt pushdminus
# Completion
setopt auto_menu
setopt always_to_end
setopt complete_in_word
unsetopt flow_control
unsetopt menu_complete
zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:*' menu select
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z-_}={A-Za-z_-}' 'r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
zstyle ':completion::complete:*' use-cache 1
zstyle ':completion::complete:*' cache-path $ZSH_CACHE_DIR
zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ''
zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:processes'
list-colors '=(#b) #([0-9]#) ([0-9a-z-]#)*=01;34=0=01'
# Other
setopt prompt_subst

Explanation of the options

History options explanation

See Zsh documentation 16.2.4: History for documentation.

By default zsh does not write history to a file. We set it to write history to ~/.zsh_history. And then:

  • HISTSIZE: The number of commands to save.
  • SAVEHIST: The history is trimmed when its length excedes SAVEHIST by 20%.
  • EXTENDED_HISTORY: Time stamp the history, and more.
  • HIST_EXPIRE_DUPS_FIRST: Trim duplicated commands from the history before trimming unique commands.
  • HIST_IGNORE_DUPS: If you run the same command multiple times in a row, only add it to the history once.
  • HIST_IGNORE_SPACE: Prefix a command with a space to keep it out of the history.
  • INC_APPEND_HISTORY: Add commands to the history file as soon as they are run.
  • SHARE_HISTORY: Time stamp the history, and more.

Changing Directories options explanations

See Zsh documentation 16.2.1: Changing directories for documentation.

We make it possible to switch to a previous directory with cd -<directory stack position>, where the directory stack position is how many directories ago you want to step back. This closely mimics Git’s @{-N} “previous HEAD” notation. In the following examples, note that auto_cd (see above) is assumed.

command line
~ % ~/dir1
~/dir1 % ~/dir2
~/dir2 % cd -2
~ %
~ % ~/dir1
~/dir1 % ~/dir2
~/dir2 % cd -2
~ %

Use dirs -v to see the directory stack:

command line
~ % ~/dir1
~/dir1 % dirs -v
0 ~/dir1
1 ~
~/dir1 % ~/dir2 && ~/dir3 && ~/dir4 && ~/dir2
~/dir2 % dirs -v
0 ~/dir2
1 ~/dir4
2 ~/dir3
3 ~/dir2
4 ~/dir1
5 ~
~/dir2 % cd -3
~/dir2 % dirs -v
0 ~/dir2
1 ~/dir2
2 ~/dir4
3 ~/dir3
4 ~/dir1
5 ~
~/dir2 %
~ % ~/dir1
~/dir1 % dirs -v
0 ~/dir1
1 ~
~/dir1 % ~/dir2 && ~/dir3 && ~/dir4 && ~/dir2
~/dir2 % dirs -v
0 ~/dir2
1 ~/dir4
2 ~/dir3
3 ~/dir2
4 ~/dir1
5 ~
~/dir2 % cd -3
~/dir2 % dirs -v
0 ~/dir2
1 ~/dir2
2 ~/dir4
3 ~/dir3
4 ~/dir1
5 ~
~/dir2 %

N.b: changing to a directory in the directory stack moves the selected directory stack entry to the top of the stack, rather than creating a new entry. The last dirs -v above was not the following:

command line
0 ~/dir2
1 ~/dir2
2 ~/dir4
3 ~/dir3
4 ~/dir2 # nope!
5 ~/dir1
6 ~
0 ~/dir2
1 ~/dir2
2 ~/dir4
3 ~/dir3
4 ~/dir2 # nope!
5 ~/dir1
6 ~

Some will want to also setopt pushd_ignore_dups, which prevents duplication in the directory stack. The resulting behavior would be:

command line
~ % ~/dir1 && ~/dir2 && ~/dir1
~/dir1 % dirs -v
0 ~/dir1
1 ~/dir2
2 ~
~ % ~/dir1 && ~/dir2 && ~/dir1
~/dir1 % dirs -v
0 ~/dir1
1 ~/dir2
2 ~
  • AUTO_CD: Use the shorthand ~/Downloads for cd ~/Downloads.
  • AUTOPUSH: Keep a directory stack of all the directories you cd to in a session.
  • PUSHDMINUS: Use Git-like -N instead of the default +N (e.g. cd -2 as opposed to cd +2).

Completion options explanations

See Zsh documentation 16.2.2: Completion for documentation.

  • ALWAYS_TO_END: Move the cursor to the end of the word after accepting a completion.
  • AUTO_MENU: TAB⇥ to show a menu of all completion suggestions. TAB⇥ a second time to enter the menu. TAB⇥ again to circulate through the list, or use the arrow keys. ENTER to accept a completion from the menu.
  • COMPLETE_IN_WORD: If you type TAB⇥ in the middle of a word, the cursor will move to the end of the word and zsh will open the completions menu. (I.e. type add, hit LEFT←, and then TAB⇥, the cursor will move to after the second d and completions will be shown for add.)
  • FLOW_CONTROL: Disables the use of ⌃S to stop terminal output and the use of ⌃Q to resume it.
  • MENU_COMPLETE: If set, this option prevents the completion menu from showing even if AUTO_MENU is set.
  • The zstyle declaration tells zsh to complete case-insensitively, and to highlight the current completion in the menu. cd ~/downlTAB⇥ will autocomplete as ~/Downloads. See Zsh documentation 22.37 The zsh/zutil Module for documentation.
  • zstyle completion configuration: These rules set the completion formatting and behavior. All sorts of things are possible. These rules are excerpted from Oh My Zsh. See Zsh documentation 20.3 Completion System Configuration for documentation.
    • the menu select rule shows completion suggests in a menu
    • the matcher-list rules make completion insensitive to case and hyphens/underscores
    • the use-cache rules tells zsh to use the completion cache
    • the list-colors rules color code the completion suggestions (for example, symlinks, directories, and files will be distinguishable by color)

Other option explanations

3. Add plugins

There are a huge number of plugins for zsh. and are great lists. Here we install four that are practically essential. As above, note the double >>s!


It’s been years. Check my Uses page for the latest on my shell plugin management and go-to plugins.

To add plugins you need a plugin manager. There are many out there; good options are Antibody, zplug, and Antigen. Antibody is currently the best option for most users: it has simple syntax and it’s blazing fast*. zplug is great for power users, with its support for commands, binaries, conditional loading, custom sources, and local files, but it loads noticeably slower than Antibody. Antigen is slower than Antibody and zplug and it requires that plugin authors add special support for it, but it achieved early success and is mentioned in many plugin READMEs; you can do better these days, but you also can’t get away without mentioning it.

(As you get into zsh management, you’ll also see Oh My Zsh and Prezto. Both are “zsh frameworks”, huge collections of settings, customizations, aliases, and scripts, with support for managing themes. Installing either will significantly increase the time it takes to load a new terminal, and will provide much more there than most users need. Advanced users will enjoy digging through the source looking for useful bits.)

It’s easy to switch from one plugin manager another, so don’t sweat the decision.

As above, run these commands or manually add everything between echo ' and ' >> / between echo " and " >>

  • Either use Antibody:

    command line
    brew install getantibody/tap/antibody
    brew install getantibody/tap/antibody

    and add the following to ~/.zsh_plugins.txt:


    and the following to ~/

    antibody bundle < ~/.zsh_plugins.txt
    antibody bundle < ~/.zsh_plugins.txt

    and the following to ~/.zshrc:

    source ~/
    source ~/

    N.b: With this setup,

    Any time a change is made to ~/.zsh_plugins.txt, run

    command line
    antibody bundle < ~/.zsh_plugins.txt > ~/
    antibody bundle < ~/.zsh_plugins.txt > ~/

    See the Antibody Install docs for alternative methods, but note that this two-file method has the fastest load time.

  • or use zplug:

    command line
    brew install zplug
    brew install zplug

    and add the following to .zshrc:

    # Init zplug
    export ZPLUG_HOME=/usr/local/opt/zplug
    # Homebrew-installed zplug
    source $ZPLUG_HOME/init.zsh
    # Plugins
    zplug "zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions"
    zplug "zsh-users/zsh-completions"
    zplug "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting", defer:2
    zplug "zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search", defer:3
    # Install plugins if there are plugins that have not been installed
    if ! zplug check --verbose; then
    printf "Install? [y/N]: "
    if read -q; then
    echo; zplug install
    # Load zplug
    zplug load
    # Init zplug
    export ZPLUG_HOME=/usr/local/opt/zplug
    # Homebrew-installed zplug
    source $ZPLUG_HOME/init.zsh
    # Plugins
    zplug "zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions"
    zplug "zsh-users/zsh-completions"
    zplug "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting", defer:2
    zplug "zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search", defer:3
    # Install plugins if there are plugins that have not been installed
    if ! zplug check --verbose; then
    printf "Install? [y/N]: "
    if read -q; then
    echo; zplug install
    # Load zplug
    zplug load
  • or use Antigen:

    command line
    brew install antigen
    brew install antigen

    and add the following to .zshrc:

    antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
    antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-completions
    antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
    antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search
    antigen apply
    antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
    antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-completions
    antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
    antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search
    antigen apply
  • Configure zsh-history-substring-search. Add the following to .zshrc:

    zsh-history-substring-search key bindings
    bindkey '^[[A' history-substring-search-up
    bindkey '^[[B' history-substring-search-down
    zsh-history-substring-search key bindings
    bindkey '^[[A' history-substring-search-up
    bindkey '^[[B' history-substring-search-down
  • Then open a new terminal. Antibody users may get an error. Running antibody update will download any missing plugins.

Explanation of the plugins


This plugin will suggest previously run commands as you type. Accept the suggestion by pressing the right arrow key.


Completions for the commands available within apps, with descriptions. Trigger it with TAB⇥.

By default, history searches only match the entire command. Typing i and then UP↑ will finds history entries that start with i (if true; then echo yes; fi would be a match, echo hi would not). This plugin find through all history entries that contain the input string anywhere (both would be matches).

This guide configures the UP↑ and DOWN↓ arrows to cycle through history, but you can choose any keys you like. See the project homepage for more info.


Colors commands as you type them, making errors easy to spot.

4. Add a theme


I created my own theme! Read about it in Hometown: A Dynamic, Highly Configurable Git-Focused Zsh Theme

And I made a tool for helping others create their own Git-aware themes. Read about it in Git Prompt Kit: Configurable, Fast Git Status Components For Custom Zsh Themes

There is a huge world of custom prompts —aka “themes”— for zsh interactive shells. Two popular themes are Spaceship and Powerlevel9k.

Themes can be just fun, or just pretty, but at their best they make you work fitter, happier, more productive by surfacing the information you need.

Powerlevel9k shows Git status information, time, and more, in the Powerline model of color-coded bars:

Spaceship is can show all sorts of things, and you choose which it should show. It has out of the box support for Git and Mercurial, can display the current project’s versions of various tech, batter life, and much more.

My own command prompt is a modified version of Spaceship that brings in ideas from oh-my-git and git-radar. It shows the time and the current directory. If I’m in a Git repo it shows the status, information about the checked out branch’s upstream, any tags at HEAD, and whether there are files with the --assume-unchanged or --skip-worktree bits set. If Node or Ruby are applicable it shows the current version. If my battery is low, it warns me. It’s hard to remember how I managed before having all of that information right in front of me.

Whatever tech you use, someone has probably written a zsh prompt theme to make your life better. It might not be Powerlevel9k or Spaceship. Find the flavor of the month by searching GitHub for “zsh prompt”;There are screenshots of many more at, and awesome-zsh-plugins lists more than you would want to try out.

Trying a theme out is easy. Add the snippet for the your zsh configuration manager, and then open a new terminal or run source ~/.zshrc. Here’s how to add Spaceship or Powerlevel9k; check out their sites to learn about their settings.

For antigen:

# or
# or

and then

command line
antibody bundle < ~/.zsh_plugins.txt > ~/
antibody bundle < ~/.zsh_plugins.txt > ~/

For zplug:

zplug "denysdovhan/spaceship-prompt", use:spaceship.zsh, from:github, as:theme
# or
zplug "bhilburn/powerlevel9k", use:powerlevel9k.zsh-theme, from:github, as:theme
# missing plugins check here
zplug "denysdovhan/spaceship-prompt", use:spaceship.zsh, from:github, as:theme
# or
zplug "bhilburn/powerlevel9k", use:powerlevel9k.zsh-theme, from:github, as:theme
# missing plugins check here

For antigen:

antigen theme denysdovhan/spaceship-prompt
# or
antigen theme denysdovhan/spaceship-prompt
antigen apply
antigen theme denysdovhan/spaceship-prompt
# or
antigen theme denysdovhan/spaceship-prompt
antigen apply

Bonus: Resources for learning the zsh language

The first sentence on the zsh homepage is, “Zsh is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language.” We’ve seen some of what makes zsh great for interactive use. If you write shell scripts and are not limited by Bash (or POSIX) compatibility requirements, take it for a spin!

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